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fluid, chi and prana

Fluid, chi and prana are terms used in different cultures and spiritual systems to describe the idea of a universal energy or life force.

Although they appear in different cultural contexts and traditions, they share many similarities.

fluidis a term often used in esoteric or occult teachings to describe a subtle, non-material energy or force that pervades and affects everything. It is often thought of as a type of "etheric" or "subtle" fluid present in all things that can be used by practitioners to affect the world around them. It is also considered a type of surrounding energy field that surrounds and affects all living and non-living.


Chi (Qi, Ki) is a term used in Chinese culture and is often regarded as the vital life energy or universal life force. Chi is believed to flow along energy pathways, or meridians, in the body and affects physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Chi is also often used in Chinese martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine to harmonize and regulate the balance of yin and yang, the two opposing forces in the universe.


pranais a term from Hindu philosophy and yoga, which is often regarded as the life energy or vital life force. Prana is believed to pervade and enliven everything and is closely associated with breathing. Prana is used in yogic practices such as pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation to promote the control and direction of prana to improve health, vitality and spiritual development.


Although the terms fluid, chi and prana are used in different cultures and traditions, they share many similarities.

All three terms describe a type of universal energy or life force that exists in all things and can be harnessed by practitioners to impact physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

They are often viewed as subtle, non-material energies connected to life itself and to the cosmic order.

It is important to note that fluid, chi and prana are spiritual concepts and are not scientifically proven or objectively measurable.

They are viewed in their respective cultural and spiritual traditions as part of a holistic understanding of body, mind and spirit and are closely related to the cultural and philosophical backgrounds from which they come.

extrasensory perception

Extrasensory perception (ESP) refers to the ability to receive or perceive information or impressions without involving the conventional senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch. It is often referred to as the "sixth sense" or "psychic" ability because it goes beyond the normal senses.

There are several forms of ESP, including:


  1. Telepathy: The ability to receive or send thoughts or information from other people without the need for physical communication.

  2. Clairvoyance: The ability to obtain information about past, present, or future events without their being known through normal senses or logical deduction.

  3. Precognition: The ability to anticipate future events or situations before they actually occur.

  4. Psychokinesis: The ability to manipulate physical objects with the mind, such as through telekinesis (moving objects with the power of thought) or pyrokinesis (starting fire with the mind).

  5. Remote Perception: The ability to receive information from distant places or people without requiring physical proximity or contact.


It is important to note that the existence and effectiveness of ESP is scientifically debatable and has not yet been supported by clear scientific evidence. ESP is often discussed and researched in the realm of the paranormal, esoteric, or spiritual. It is a complex and controversial subject that generates different opinions and views.


PSI is an abbreviation for "parapsychology" or "parapsychic phenomena". It is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the study of phenomena considered to be beyond mainstream scientific explanations. Phenomena often studied in PSI research include telepathy (transmission of thoughts), precognition (knowledge of future events), psychokinesis (affecting matter with the power of thought), and clairvoyance (perceiving information outside of the usual sense channels).

Parapsychology has a long history and is considered by some to be part of the paranormal or supernatural realm, while others consider it part of psychology or the study of human consciousness. There are differing views on the scientific validity of PSI phenomena, and there are ongoing debates and discussions within the academic community about the methods and results of PSI research.

Despite challenges to its scientific acceptance, psi research remains an interesting and controversial area that continues to be explored by some researchers and practitioners to advance our understanding of consciousness, perception, and the nature of reality. However, it is important to note that PSI phenomena are not yet accepted as established scientific facts in the scientific community and further research and verification are needed to clarify their existence and nature.


The Dao (also Tao) is a central concept from Chinese philosophy and religion, especially in Daoism. It is a complex term that has different meanings and can be interpreted in different ways.

The Dao is often understood as the way or principles of nature and the universe. It represents the cosmic order and flow of life. The Dao is not static or fixed, but dynamic and changeable. It embodies the idea of balance, harmony and the natural flow of things.

In Daoism, the Dao is also viewed as an ineffable, transcendent principle that lies beyond the dualistic categories of good and evil. It is considered the supreme principle that underlies and from which everything arises. The Dao can be viewed as a path to enlightenment, self-realization and harmonious living.

It is important to note that the Dao is a concept that cannot easily be put into words and can have various interpretations and meanings. It is the subject of philosophical inquiry and spiritual practice in Daoism, and also has influence in other fields such as art, medicine, and ethics.

experimentalist ?

An experimentalist is a person who conducts experiments in science, art, or other fields to discover new knowledge or test existing theories. Experimentalists can work in different fields and they use different methods and technologies to conduct their experiments and collect data.

Experimentalists play an important role in scientific research as they help make new discoveries and test and improve existing theories. By conducting experiments, they can collect data that will help better understand the world around us and find solutions to various problems.

In the field of performing arts, an experimentalist may also use extrasensory perception (ESP) techniques and psi phenomena to develop new creative approaches and create innovative artworks. Such an artist can focus on using ASW techniques to create inexplicable effects that impress and inspire audiences.

An experimentalist in the arts working with ESP and psi phenomena requires a high level of creativity and improvisation to create new and unexpected effects. Through the use of ESP and psi techniques, such an artist can develop new artistic approaches and create innovative performances that can engage, inspire and transform audiences.

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wu wei/ the zone/ flow

The Zone, Flow, and Wu Wei are concepts that can help us increase our performance and achieve a sense of serenity.

Whether in sports, in creative work or in everyday life, these concepts offer us valuable insights to achieve a state of maximum concentration and efficiency. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Zone, Flow, and Wu Wei and explore their importance in personal growth and success.

The zone is a state in which we are fully focused on one activity and everything else around us takes a back seat. It is a state of total mental and emotional immersion in which we reach our full potential. In the zone, we are free from distractions and doubts, and our actions flow effortlessly. This condition is often experienced by athletes who are performing at their best. However, the zone can also be reached in other areas of life, be it writing, painting or making music.

Flow is a similar concept to the zone and was coined by psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. It describes the state of complete immersion and total immersion in an activity. In flow we are fully present in the here and now and experience a feeling of energy, focus and joy. Time seems to fly by and we are so absorbed in an activity that we forget everything around us. To get into the flow, we need to look for challenging tasks that challenge our abilities, but don't overwhelm us.

Wu Wei is a concept from Taoist philosophy and literally means "do not act". However, it does not refer to passivity but to acting in accordance with the natural flow of things. Wu Wei means breaking away from excessive thinking and effort and being in the moment. It's about letting things happen instead of resisting them. By surrendering to the natural flow, we can bring ease, efficiency, and serenity into our lives.

The Zone, Flow and Wu Wei are concepts that can help us reach our full potential and live a fulfilling life. By focusing on an activity that inspires us, we can perform at our best and experience a deeper sense of happiness.

At the same time, we can let go of the pressure and the "must" through the principle of Wu Wei.


Mushin is a concept from Japanese Zen Buddhism, often translated as "empty mind" or "spiritual emptiness". It refers to a state of mind where all thoughts, fears and doubts disappear and the mind is totally clear and present. In mushin we are free from distracting thoughts and judgements, and our actions are spontaneous and effortless. It is a state of deepest concentration and mindfulness in which we are anchored in the here and now.

Mushin is often sought by martial artists to perfect their techniques.

In this state they are able to act without hesitation and without conscious thought. They react instinctively to the situation and use their skills at the highest level.

Mushin allows them to be in tune with their opponent and feel the flow of events without being hampered by excessive thinking.

However, mushin also has applications in daily life.

By freeing ourselves from distracting thoughts and fully accepting the present moment, we can complete our tasks more efficiently and with greater clarity. We can concentrate on the essentials and let go of unnecessary mental ballast.

Mushin allows us to be present in every moment and make conscious decisions without being influenced by disturbing thoughts or emotions.

The state of mushin is not a goal to be attained and then maintained permanently. Rather, it is an ongoing process of training the mind and mindfulness. By meditating regularly, practicing mindfulness exercises and training our concentration, we can get closer and closer to this state. Mushin is a deep connection to the present moment that allows us to reach our full potential and find serenity in our actions.


Mysticism is a term encompassing accounts and statements of the experience of, and efforts to achieve, a divine or absolute reality. The term derives from the ancient Greek word "mystikós" meaning "mysterious" and the verb "myein" meaning "close mouth or eyes".

Mysticism focuses on direct experience of the divine or connection with the metaphysical. This experience is often sought in the form of ecstasy, exercise, meditative immersion or similar sensual experiences. Mysticism can encompass various religious traditions, such as Western, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist or Jewish mysticism. Mysticism also played an important role in the Middle Ages.

There is no uniform definition of mysticism, but it is described as a form of religious experience in which union with the divine is sought through absorption in the present existence. Mysticism can also be used as a term for religious currents whose goal is the unity of man with God or the ground of being. It is emphasized that the way to this union is not through the mind, but through other forms of experience.

In philosophy, mysticism is viewed in terms of a philosophical life and thought that transcends everyday experience and often remains hidden. It demands not only additional knowledge, but the experience of the fundamental and the absolute.

In summary, mysticism is concerned with experiencing and seeking a divine or absolute reality.

It is a form of religious experience that focuses on the direct experience of God or the connection with the metaphysical. Mysticism can appear in different religious traditions and philosophical contexts.


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